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#1 Posted : Monday, April 17, 2023 2:58:13 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 2/2/2023(UTC)
Posts: 478

The best legal drafting software for lawyers

Law firms have started investing more and more money into LegalTech. By 2025, Gartner predicts budgets for this market will increase threefold. This LegalTech boom is great for firms that want to capitalise on software able to automate low-value or non-billable tasks because it means more of your lawyers’ time can be spent on client work. To get more news about 2d drafting, you can visit shine news official website.

Legal document editing and drafting software is an invaluable tool that makes the work of lawyers faster, easier, and more efficient. It can help them save both time and money by speeding up tasks that are not billable while allowing for a deeper focus on billable work. Thomson Reuters highlights this time save, reporting that users were able to save 82% of their time by automating document drafting.
Thankfully, this technology is everywhere, which means your firm has more choices than ever. However, the quality of this software varies dramatically. If you want to take advantage of it, you need to choose a solution that offers a more efficient and agile workflow and ticks all the boxes in terms of features.

What exactly is legal drafting software?

Choosing the right software might be easier said than done when the definition is often muddled. The term legal drafting software gets thrown around a lot so it’s important to outline exactly what it is.

To put it simply, drafting software automates much of the document drafting process lawyers would normally have to do manually. Others, like Definely Draft, enable lawyers to access and edit all the information in front of them, without leaving the provision they’re reviewing. This not only saves time switching between screens and devices, but it also means there’s no need to manually search for errors or missing information - every issue gets flagged for you. Our software is unique in this regard because it is the only one that assists lawyers in the active drafting stage of the legal contract lifestyle.

Why lawyers need legal drafting software

Document and legal contract drafting are some of the most time-consuming and unavoidable tasks. Luckily, automation can greatly reduce the amount of time lawyers have to spend on them. According to a Thomson Reuters survey, 91% of lawyers agreed that this type of software saved them time, while 89% said that the time saved allowed them to put more effort into higher-value activities.

Unsurprisingly, there are some risks associated with manual document drafting - the main one being that human error often creeps in. Having access to your firm’s gold standard clauses reduces this risk immediately since lawyers are not forced to create documents from scratch and potentially miss things that should be included.
Automation can solve these issues and the best document drafting software should offer features aimed at tackling these specific pain points.
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