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Offline Alison21  
#1 Posted : Tuesday, May 8, 2018 5:28:18 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Groups: Registered
Joined: 2/8/2018(UTC)
Posts: 3

Hey guys,

I'm a school teacher and we are planning to set a new tennis court in our school. When we put forward this plan, many of them working in the school told different opinions about tennis court surface types.

When we asked some of our senior players over here, some suggested hard courts and clay courts while others suggested to go for grass courts. I think grass courts is not a good option as it becomes messy in a rainy climate. What about acrylic and such type of other synthetic surfaces?

I have also heard that clay courts are more slippery than hard courts and grass surfaces. While considering hard courts, it will be harder on lower joints like ankles and knees and chances for any potential issues related to injury are also high.

I came to know about a company offering court construction services. Which court surface is best for high school students? Please suggest me a good choice. Awaiting your replies.

Thanks in advance.
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