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Offline WorkinMom  
#1 Posted : Thursday, November 19, 2015 6:11:22 PM(UTC)

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Hi, I'm looking for a support group of women who are going through similar issues. I'm a mom who works full time, has three kids, and shares joint physical custody with my ex, who is remarried and lives nearby. They spend half the week with me and half with him.

On the surface, our arrangement is very amicable. But we are extremely different and our differing parenting styles cause conflict. We *try* to always speak positively about the other parent to the kids. We *try* to back each other up in discipline issues. We *try* to adhere to the same values. But in the end, our differences shine through.

I've noticed an escalation in the number of negative or seemingly negative things he says about me to the kids. My kids, especially the oldest, are chafing at some of his rules and parenting methods. I also fear they may begin (subconsciously) pitting us against each other. I try to take the high road and not say negative things about him to the kids, but it's hard! I also fele like I have to call him on the carpet every time I think he's crossed the line, and that's exhausting.

He has very extreme political and social views which he shares with the kids. After years of having to suppress my own political and social views while I was married to him, I'm not interested in hearing it anymore!

In short, our arrangement means that I have to interact with my ex almost daily, which sucks. But I don't want to go trhough teh financial and emotional turmoil it would take to change that. That's why I'm hoping some advice or commiseration from women in similar situations would help!
Offline Donna129  
#2 Posted : Tuesday, March 29, 2016 6:09:45 PM(UTC)

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Hi WorkinMom, don't see that anyone's replied to your post but can say I totally sympathize with you in what you're dealing with. I've been dealing with something quite similar to your situation and am so tired of dealing with what I call Mr. Jekyl-Hyde syndrome.

It's very hard keeping my own mouth shut and will admit I've probably let a few remarks slip that I shouldn't have. My ex however continues to make several comments to our children without a second thought.

To make matters worse, although I've got my own apartment and the divorce is finalized I'm still held "hostage" at the home we shared while married. I would give anything to cut the ties once and for all, but our kids reaction to divorce keeps me here. My youngest, 13 yr. old daughter, has threatened to run away and both have said they will not stay at my apartment. My oldest, 15 yr. old daughter, has seen the apartment I have and loves how it looks and was impressed.

I've tried getting my ex to get on board with me in getting our kids to understand how things have changed but I keep hitting a brick wall.

You didn't say how old your kids are WorkinMom, but I think at any age it probably the same no matter how old they are. If you've had any luck in turning your situation around I'd love to hear it. Any advice at this point is welcome.
Offline rymichelle  
#3 Posted : Saturday, April 2, 2016 5:51:42 AM(UTC)

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I feel your pain. With mine, I can't even bring up a concern without a multitude of his 'concerns' being thrown at me. We are very different which worked when we are together but creates a lot of confusion for my kids now. We parented similarly when we were together though and now he's a drill sergeant.

I feel like every interaction he tries to one up me and it's exhausting.
Offline RobMic  
#4 Posted : Wednesday, April 20, 2016 6:15:49 PM(UTC)

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I have been divorced since 2011, and there is no such thing as co-parenting with my ex and his spouse. If there is eve an issue I can not bring it to their attention because they simply will not acknowledge it. Instead use it as a platform to turn it around on me and make it my fault that there is any issue in the first place. Recently our child had strep throat, this was turned around on me as you can see from the passage in yesterday's email.

"Do not continue to hinder ****'s schooling, her preparedness and her want and ability to thrive, simply because of your madness. Her transition into ****** Elementary has been exceptional and as you know, **** was hand selected by her teachers to be assessed to participate in and was scheduled to be tested for the Gifted and Talented program to begin in her Grade 3 year on Monday, of which she missed due to once again becoming ill while in your care. Interfering with her education, her stable, healthy and safe school, daycare and home environments and her mental health and confidence, is inexcusable and is an issue that I will make certain will be resolved. You are thoughtlessly and selfishly hurting your only child and she continues to be embarrassed, annoyed and aggravated by the filled-with-hate behavior she witnesses of her mother."

and in this same email, you can see that I am hardly acknowledged as a parent, only in negative fashion.

"My wife, Libby R******x, is *****’s parent, is and has been heavily involved in ***'s life and will always will be, and is greatly loved and wanted by **** as her second mom; she has every right and ability to be present at any event or in any manner with no restrictions and even more simply because she is ***'s family and *** wants her. Libby and I will continue to protect **** and the rest of our family, because you choose not to. **** needs us. She always has, she is now much more aware of that fact and vocalizing her wish for us to protect her, as we have and always will, more and more after every encounter she has with you."

The worst part is all of this is said to our daughter as well. I want to protect our child from this, but I am helpless. I feel I have exhausted all measures and even exhausted myself. Their constant attack on me is wearing me thin. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Offline Emily56  
#5 Posted : Monday, July 25, 2016 12:08:11 PM(UTC)

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United States

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